Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Communion: ceremony or reality?

Only days after returning from Asia, Sabbath comes. Oh, blessed rest. 

This one happened to be a Communion Sabbath…

We washed each other’s feet. 

And then we partook of the bread and wine. (juice). 

But while I was chewing… I wondered. Is this just another ceremony?

Or is it way more than that?

Are we simply doing this, because He told us to? Or are we paying attention to why He told us to?

As I sat there, I pondered the incredible sacrifice. And the unfathomable love He has, to give us such simple, yet profoundly deep object lessons. 

This is the body and blood of my Lord. 

Do I act like I just took that into my body?

If I did… then His character should be seen in me. Not mine. His goals should be mine. His daily purposes, His life of sacrifice, His self denial, His love, His mercy, His complete surrender

Just another ceremony?

Not a chance. 

My Lord had way more than bread and grape juice in mind. He wants to live out His life in me

And you. And every other Christian on the planet. 

Today, we choose. Merely bread and grape juice…

Or Christ.


  1. Amen, a good reminder. It can so often be something we do every three months, with no heart preparation, but it is so much more... Such a beautiful thing, to be absolutely clean with a new start ahead. God is so good. :)

  2. What an honor Jesus has given us, to take part of His body, receiving His Righteousness and holiness into our lives! We cannot fully grasp the meaning of communion.
