Friday, April 20, 2012

My Story...

I think I am coming to a new conclusion and understanding about blogging. And anything else, for that matter. Let me explain. You know how I usually post a lot of quotes on my blog posts? They're usually good, right? But I think that I may be overlooking an important factor in sharing. And that is personal testimony. “If the Word of God is enshrined in their hearts, they will give a practical demonstration of the power and purity of the gospel. The testimony thus borne to the world is of much more value than sermons, or professions of godliness that do not reveal good works.” '4BC' pg. 1181.3.

I will be quite honest, I am very timid about sharing tidbits from my personal life. For those who know me now, and haven't known me long, they might have a hard time believing that I am quite timid inside. But I am. Even so, I am seeing more and more that I need to share what God is doing in my life, as that is what blesses me most when I read and hear other people's stories. I love to read good quotes. But I am highly blessed when I see and hear the practical gospel at work in people's lives! So, I think I will try to start doing this. I hope whatever I share from my humble experiences can be a blessing to someone. To start with I think I will share something that we talked about during family worship last night. Some cousins of mine, the Sharon family, are missionaries in Thailand. (see for more info). We recently read on their blog about their move to a different place in Thailand, and the trials involved, but also the miracles that God provided to sustain and provide for them. And I realized something: If we expect God to do mighty things for us, we must accept for God to do mighty things through us. And so I ask myself the question, if I am not seeing God work in my life, am I allowing Him to work through my life? I have to be a missionary, if I expect to see God work.

“ Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary.” --The Desire of Ages, p. 195.

So, my friends, I am aiming for that. You want to join me? And I should let you know, I appreciate you sharing your experiences. They mean a lot. Praise God for leading us higher!

Now, let's go to work.

Your humble brother,



  1. Good points, Schane. It is always wonderful seeing how others are applying things to their real lives. It is inspiring and a blessing. Although, I do agree that it isn't always easy to share things. Yet, to share a quote (a short one): "Nothing more quickly inspires faith than the exercise of faith." – PK 351 So, we can take courage to use faith to share our faith, and in so doing we will be encouraged in our walks with God!
    I didn't know you were related to the Sharons. That's really neat! My family has known them for years and years from family camp. I need to go read their blogs more often.
    God bless!

    1. Hey thanks for the comment and quote Cami! I like that quote. You are absolutely right, it is much easier to see the blessings when you are focused on telling others about them. :-) Yeah, it is neat to be related to the Sharon's. Leroy is my second cousin, my Dad's first cousin. Quite hilarious, but Family camp is where I first met them too... lol. Their blogs sure are good!
      God bless you too!

  2. I'm with you there! Only now that I've stepped into the battle; reached out to be a missionary do I see the big picture. Only now do I see more of what God can do and is doing in my life and the lives of those around me.
    And yes, sharing personal experiences is powerful. Go for it! I know it can be difficult being vulnerable, but everyone out there is having personal battles and it is encouraging to see in different lives how God wins these battles.

    1. Thanks for those thoughts Christella. What a blessing to be a missionary! May we all have lots of experiences to share, by His grace.

  3. High five from a distance on that one. Good thoughts, good point, good conclusion, Schane. :) Youre making me think about my neglected blog.

    1. Whoa, I felt the wind from that one Heidi. lol. PTL for any good that can come from my musings! :-) Yeah, I know about the neglected blog thing...

  4. I think you're onto something there, Schane. Our testimony is powerful. But that doesn't make it easy. I truly know what you mean about timidness with sharing. I am acutely uncomfortable with sharing on any kind of personal level (even what most people would not classify as very personal) publicly. And on those times I do choose to go ahead and share you wouldn't believe how appealing that delete button looks!! And yet the realness and personal testimony of others has been, on more occasions than one, the tool God has chosen in drawing me back to Himself.
    Thank you. I'm re-convicted. :)

    1. Praise God that He works with us! Thank you for sharing your testimony. Even though I woefully have no idea who you are, it is a blessing to hear other people coming to the same conclusions. God bless you in your journey!:-)
