Monday, April 23, 2012

Me, or Him?

OK, so I promised I would try to be a little more open in sharing how the Lord is leading, not because I am anything, but because He is everything, and I think we all have a testimony to share!
I was thinking about our relationship with Christ, and how we go about things. How I have gone about things. It's like this: I came into the church with my parents when I was seven years old. And I was on fire. I mean, I was really on fire. I still remember taking one of my friends behind the house and telling him how soon Jesus was coming. That was 15 years ago. It didn't take long, and I became as successful a Laodicean as the best of them. Ouch. That hurts to even say that. But it's true. I lost my first love. I was wrapped up in worldliness. Then came the next phase: conservativism. Wow, was that ever intense. I had almost no relationship with Christ, but I could give you a hard core study on the sins in the church, and how it was failing. That one lasted a long time. Truth, no love. That pretty much describes how I have been at times. What a waste! But God is so faithful. He never gives up on us, even though others may give up on us, and we may even give up on ourselves. And He is teaching me. When I was first converted, I would have given anything up for my Lord. After all, why would I want to hurt Him? He never asked me to give anything up that was for my own good. He asked us to leave behind our worldly music, our movies, etc. We did, with smiles on our faces. Jewelry... out the door it went. What changed? Oh yes, I continued to give things up, but, well... I felt pretty good about it. After all, wasn't it making me holy? Um, it never did. Because it was me, not Him. Yes, He actually did ask me to give those things up. But I didn't. I held onto them, only I didn't do them anymore. I never truly surrendered. I wielded my piety like a sword, and cut anyone up that wasn't as good as me. Now I understand. He wants my heart. Once He has my heart, these works will be no problem. He'll do them through me. These things that I do will be the greatest evidence that He is in me. Or not.
Matthew 7:20: “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” Christ would eat food that would glorify God. He would wear things that would lead others to Himself, in purity. He would listen to, watch, read things that were of the purest nature. And if He's in me, this will be something natural. I praise Him for that. My job, (excuse the terrible phrase, 'job'), is to walk with Him. All day. And all night. And He will make sure I know what He expects of me. And He'll give me the power to do it. How do I know? “All His biddings are enablings.” {COL 333.1} I see it like this: If God commands me to give something up, or to do something, He is not only commanding, but He is promising that He will do it in me, if I just surrender my will.
I hope you don't misunderstand. No, I'm not saying we shouldn't search earnestly for God's will. I think that to be essential. I am just submitting that it makes no sense to do it because we have to. Rather, that these things, which are vitally essential, will be from our great love for Him. I hope that makes sense.
Please don't make the mistakes I have made. Christ has a better way. Let's walk with Him, and let Him work in our lives, amen? And these things that we do will be our greatest advertising. Others will want to walk with Him too. Because they can see that we trust Him, and He never lets us down.
That's what I want. And by His grace, I'm going for it.

Please join me.
“Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it...”



  1. Hi Schane,
    I found your blog through your comment on Pressing Forward.
    Thanks for sharing your journey so openly, it really blessed me as I have gone through many similar struggles.

    "I am just submitting that it makes no sense to do it because we have to. Rather, that these things, which are vitally essential, will be from our great love for Him." This is so true!

    It has become my great desire that my life be wrapped around His life — instead of the other way around. God is supposed to be the centerpiece of of our lives. May we strive "to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” (Eph. 3:19)

    In Him,Tessa

    1. Amen! May we strive for that. Even though we will never fully realize it, what a privilege to know some of it!

  2. Thanks for sharing your testimony, Schane. I can relate to parts of it too. I like the point you make "If God commands me to give something up, or to do something, He is not only commanding, but He is promising that He will do it in me, if I just surrender my will."
    I love that He doesn't ask us some impossibility, but does it Himself, in us, when we just let Him.

  3. Amen! What a promise. He wants our very best, and knows that we are but dust. Such love, I cannot comprehend it...
