Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It all played out before me. I saw Jesus. Washing Judas' feet. And it was all I could take. I've sold my Lord for much less than 30 pieces of silver. Yet He never gives me up! And I just can't judge my brothers and sisters. I'll leave that up to the One who washed Judas' feet. As for me, I'll follow His example. He never condemned nor criticized any true hearted soul, no matter their past. This is my ideal, the heights I am pushing for. I will, by Jesus' precious grace, learn yet to joyfully wash Judas' feet. Because someone had to do that for me.
And neither they nor I will ever regret it. For eternity.
Praise God for unity.


  1. I remember when I first read that part of Jesus' life—of Him washing the feet of him who would betray his Lord. And to think that instead of letting his heart be touched, Judas chose to be offended by it! May the Lord spare us all from making such a mistake! And may He give us such love, to humbly serve and forgive all those who do us wrong…
